Day 51 Kentucky

8:05 AM, 86 degrees, and there is a 10 inch turtle in the middle of the on ramp to hiway 60. A short day is planned since the next bike shop is in Paducah and we can ride that 30 or so miles in he morning before 10 while it is still cooler. The only diner in town is closed on Sunday so dinner was gas station chicken. To make matter worse Wickliffe is in a dry county so no beer tonight.
Hi from Devin's parents.
We have so enjoyed your blog and the pix. Dev, looks like you might be parting company soon. Please call home Monday night if you can (collect if necessary). We have news for you.
Good riding!
Alright Kentucky!..Not too far to go...just a few states away..See ya in a couple weeks..xoxo..Tonya..
Wow have faced many challenges! I am so happy to read each day that you keep getting back on that bike! You are a stud! Maybe you will soon be aclimated to the climate? Before you get further south would be good! Keep to keep up with you..
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